First Year Anniversary: How “Deep Roots” inadvertently launched on Anthony Bourdain’s Birthday

First Year Anniversary: How “Deep Roots” inadvertently launched on Anthony Bourdain’s Birthday
Growers Network & Canna Cribs Launched our online
online video series “Deep Roots” on June 25, 2019
A year ago, Growers Network and Canna Cribs inadvertently launched our new series “Deep Roots” on Anthony Bourdain’s birthday. The irony, of course, is that Anthony Bourdain was our inspiration for the series.
The Culture of Cannabis
Deep Roots is a nod to the hedonistic side of the human pursuit, focusing on the culture of cannabis through travel, food, and music; something Sir Anthony would have appreciated.
Luckily, after a long career spanning nothing but these hedonistic pursuits, I have plenty of fodder for the coffers, and am fortunate to have the opportunity to share this with those that open their gardens to us.
Travel allows us to see more, and understand that the world is bigger than we it. And, it reminds us of how little we actually know, of it and ourselves. The reason it sometimes feels a bit uncomfortable and challenging is that it’s in these times that we grow.
“When we travel we grow to understand our world in a new way, and this in turn is something that we can bring back home with us, in order to help change the world in which we live.”
Unlike the hermetically sealed tours that can be purchased as part of a cruise package, we hope to encounter parts of the landscape that might otherwise be missed on pre-paid, pre-packaged tour of particular regions. Our hope is to interact with localities and people in a more meaningful way, so that we are able to learn and experience their world, and in turn, change our own world.
Similarly, through food we are able to experience other people and other cultures.
“Part of Deep Roots is getting to understand others places through their local cuisine. “
Unlike Anthony Bourdain, we may not be eating street food on Yaowarat Road in Bangkok, but we do endeavor to find the most bustling areas in a given location, in order to dine amongst the locals. We understand that food is something that, like travel, helps us to better understand others, and brings us closer together.
Music is another driving force with Deep Roots. It has been a driving force in my life, and is what drove me to the music industry at a very early age. In addition to running multiple record labels, a record store, a distribution business, a production company, and a multimedia website focused on musical artists, I spent the better part of two decades as a night club DJ.
“It has always amazed me how music is a unifying force in the world. Some might even conclude that music is the liveliest of the arts, and the highest form of human expression; music is nothing if not the vibrations of energy in motion. Perhaps this is why we often find ourselves dancing when music is playing.”
This is at the heart of Deep Roots, changing minds and hearts as it pertains to a plant that we all know and love, through the unifying forces of travel, food, and music.
Growers Network Founder & CEO, Nick Morin
I am not sure how Nick Morin (Founder and CEO of Growers Network) is able to pull together such great talent, but clearly Tucson, AZ is brimming with people who have helped to make this amazing show possible; I am lucky to work with such excellent and admirable professionals on this endeavor.
One of my favorite parts of the show is getting to explore new areas with the crew of Deep Roots. Certainly this has included a multitude of dining establishments, record stores, and places both on and off the beaten path, and getting to do so with such a fantastic cohort makes the work that we do seem all the less like work, and much more like an outing with the homies.
The Cannabis Space: A Unifying Force
In addition to the talent that I get to encounter whenever we are filming episodes, there are also the amazing facilities, owners, and their staff, who make this possible. It is incredibly inspiring to hear other people tell their story, because, quite frankly, I know my story, and it’s kind of boring. There seems to be no lack of reasons for why and how people came to be involved in the cannabis space, but the overarching theme is that there is something very special about this plant, and what it has to offer. It’s especially powerful at this moment, when humanity is greatly in need of some sort of unifying force, amidst all this upheaval. Perhaps this is the moment that we have all been waiting for?
A Tribute to Anthony Michael Bourdain
Anthony Michael Bourdain, whom we lost far too early, is well known for his contribution to the culinary and media landscape though his various undertakings, including books, television, and film. Using his “je ne sais quoi”, and a sprinkling of his “joie de vivre”, I hope that Deep Roots is able to inspire a deeper love for this plant that continues to unite us all, as well as, a keener interest in the world at large.
“It’s very rarely a good career move to have a conscience.” (A.Bourdain)
Through a better understanding of the people that make the world go round, we have a stronger chance of weathering these trying times, and coming together in the face of life’s challenges.
Written By Cameron Bravmann, Cannabis Business Operations
Green Belt Strategies is a full service cannabis consulting firm that specializes in Technical Writing, Compliance, Design & Build, Management, Supply Chain, and Strategic Partnerships.